
Agenda de Lanzamientos: Noviembre/Diciembre 2021

Una completa agenda con los lanzamientos que se vienen para los meses de Noviembre y Diciembre 2021. Encontrarán una lista de highlights con sus portadas al principio, y más abajo una lista más exhaustiva con muchos lanzamientos más.

Si encuentras discos que faltan, te animamos a dejar en los comentarios cuál se nos puede haber pasado, y cuáles estás esperando. ¡Te leemos!

DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA – Swagger & Stroll Down the Rabbit Hole (02/11) +Review

OMNIUM GATHERUM – Origin (05/11)

L. A. GUNS – Checkered Past (05/11)

BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE – Bullet For My Valentine (05/11)

SARATOGA – XXX (05/11)

DARKWOODS MY BETROTHED – Angel of Carnage Unleashed (12/11)

DAWN OF SOLACE – Flames of Perdition (12/11)

UNLEASHED – No Sign Of Life (12/11)

OBSCURA – A Valediction (19/11)

AEPHANEMER – A Dream of Wilderness (19/11)

KHEMMIS – Deceiver (19/11)

EXODUS – Persona Non Grata (19/11)

ME AND THAT MAN – New Man, New Songs, Same Shit Vol. 2 (19/11)

TEMPERANCE – Diamanti (19/11)

THEATRES DES VAMPIRES – In Nomine Sanguinis (19/11)

ROSS JENNINGS – A Shadow of My Future Self (19/11)

CYNIC – Ascension Codes (26/11)

ETERNITY’S END – Embers of War (26/11)

RHAPSODY OF FIRE – Glory for Salvation (26/11)

LORDI – Lordiversity (26/11)

IN MOURNING – The Bleeding Veil (26/11)

DEEP PURPLE – Turning To Crime (26/11)

EPICA – Omega Alive (03/12)

CORONATUS – Atmosphere (03/12)

Listado Completo – via Heavy Metal Music HQ

5 de Noviembre, 2021

Aarkanne – Mysterii (Inferna Profundus)
Abysmal Grief – Funeral Cult Of Personality (Sun & Moon)
Adliga – Vobrazy (Self)
Adoptera – Oblivion: The Forthcoming Ends (LADLO)
Aeons Abyss – Terror Manifest (Self)
AfterTime – Infinite Legacy EP (Self)
Altareth – Blood (Magnetic Eye)
Anomalie – Tranceformation (AOP)
The Ansible – Existing To Repeat EP (Self)
Asenath Blake – Tribeckoning Songs EP (Self)
Autokrator – Persecution (Krucyator)
Black Hill Cove – Broken (Raging Planet)
Blind Tiger – Blind Tiger EP (Self)
Bone Tower – We All Will Die One Day EP (No Funeral)
Bornholm – Apotheosis (Napalm)
Breed Of Aggression – This Is My War (Dark Star)
Bryan Eckermann – Plague Bringers (Self)
Bullet For My Valentine – Bullet For My Valentine (Spinefarm/Search & Destroy)
Cannabis Corpse – Tube Of The Resinated Re-Release (Season Of Mist)
Churchburn – Genocidal Rite (Translation Loss)
Crazy Lixx – Street Lethal (Frontiers)
Cystectomy – Deprive To Hollowness (Comatose)
Death Has Spoken – Call Of The Abyss (Self)
Deceased – Thrash Times At Ridgemont High (Hells Headbangers)
Deber – Aspire To Affliction (Personal)
Demonztrator – Sinister Forces Of Hatred (Ossuary)
Diablo Swing Orchestra – Swagger & Stroll Down The Rabbit Hole (Candlelight/Spinefarm)
Disbeliever – Archetype (Revalve)
Dolore – L’Orrendo Spettacolo della Morte Re-Release (HPGD)
Dreameater – Cold (Famined)
Duncan Evans/Wilderness Hymnal – Until Liars Fear You Split (Trepnation)
Dungeon Steel – Bloodlust EP (Signal Rex)
Dying Hydra – Of Lowly Origin (Narshardaa)
Elkapath – Black Spiders (Symmetric)
Emma Ruth Rundle – Engine Of Hell (Sargent House)
Extinction A.D. – Chaos, Collision, Carnage & Propaganda EP (Unique Leader)
Fans Of The Dark – Fans Of The Dark (Frontiers)
Fearout – Bleedthrough (Inverse)
5ive Years Gone – Rock ‘n’ Roll Rebirth (Sneakout)
Fordom – Manic Howls (Night In Terrors)
Fornhem – Stämman från Berget (Trollmusic)
Frightful – Spectral Creator (Awakening)
Funeral Chant – Dawn Of Annihilation (Carbonized)
Gaahl’s Wyrd – The Humming Mountain EP (Season Of Mist)
Glassing – Twin Dream (Brutal Panda)
Glemt – Eclipsing Through The Womb Of Twilight And Dementia (Inferna Profoundus)
Goatcraft – Sic Transit Gloria Mundi (I, Voidhanger)
Gold Spire – Gold Spire (Chaos)
Green Desert Water – Black Harvest (Small Stone)
Greer – Happy People EP (Epitaph)
Haiku Funeral – Drown Their Moons In Blood (Aesthetic Death)
Halcyon Days – Keep Myself From Sinking (Indie)
Heads For The Dead – Slash ‘n’ Roll (Transcending Obscurity)
Heavy Halo – Heavy Halo (Negative Gain)
In Aphelion – Luciferian Age EP (Edged Circle)
Infected Parasite – Infected Parasite (Dedication)
Ivar Bjornson & Einar Selvik – Hardanger EP (Norse)
Ivar Bjornson & Einar Selvik – Skuggsja Re-Release (Norse)
Ivory Primarch – As All Life Burns (Cursed Monk)
Jim Peterik & World Stage – Tigress: Women Who Rock The World (Frontiers)
Jointhugger – Surrounded By Vultures (Majestic Mountain)
Kornmo – Fimbulvinter (Apollon)
Kreationist – Dans L’Interminable (I, Voidhanger)
LaNinia – Tyrant (Metal Mind)
Like Moths To Flames – Pure Like Porcelain EP (UNFD)
Lithik – Weather The Storm (Self)
Lucifer For President – Asylum (My Kingdom)
Mad Anthony – Party Heaven Hell Whatever! (Eonian)
Malebranche – Morcele (Self)
Maudits – Angle Mort EP (Klonosphere)
Memoria Avenue – Memoria Avenue (Frontiers)
Minnesjord/Teufelsberg – Split (Signal Rex)
Mol – Diorama (Nuclear Blast)
Moonshine Oversight – The Frame (Wormholedeath)
Mors Verum – The Living (Self)
Morte Incandescente – Vala Comum (Signal Rex)
Mortiferum – Preserved In Torment (Profound Lore)
Mother Iron Horse – Under The Blood Moon (Ripple)
Mystras – Empires Vanquished And Dismantled (I, Voidhanger)
Napoli Violenta – Neapolitan Power Violence (Time To Kill)
Narnia – Soli Deo Gloria: 25 Years Compilation (Self)
Nashville Pussy – Eaten Alive (Slinging Pig)
Neckbolt – Midwestern Drawl (Spider Dispatch Unit)
Nequient – Collective Punishment EP (Nefarious)
Noise Trail Immersion – Curia (I, Voidhanger)
Old Man Wizard – Kill Your Servants Quietly (Self)
Omnium Gatherum – Origin (Century Media)
Orange Goblin – Rough & Ready, Live & Loud (Dissonance)
Orgia Nuclear – O Retorno Do Caos Total A Eliminação Completa (Murder)
Outre-Tombe – Abysse Mortifere (Temple Of Mystery)
Ozzy Osbourne – Diary Of A Madman Re-Release (Epic)
Pizza Death – Slice Of Death (Downtuned)
Rongeur – Glacier Tongue (Fysisk Format)
Rundgard – Stronghold Of Majestic Ruins (Signal Rex)
Ruttenskalle – Skin em Alive (Gruesome)
Sarke – Allsighr (Soulseller)
Scarecrow – Raise The Death’s Head EP (Relapse)
Scarlet Reign – Anointed (Self)
Schattenmann – Chaos (AFM)
SchwertMann – Theater Of Grief (Glassville)
Sea Sleeper – Nostophobia (Metal Assault)
Sense Of Noise – Sense Of Noise (Self)
Shock Wave – Force Ethics (Xtreem)
The Sound That Ends Creation – Boomers, Zoomers, Desperate Coomer (Self)
Spiritworld – Pagan Rhythms Re-Release (Century Media)
Stone From The Sky – Songs From The Deepwater (More Fuzz)
Stonewall Noise Orchestra – Vol. 1 Re-Release (Heavy Psych Sounds)
Swords Of Dis – Cor Mundum Crea In Me, Sanctum Ignis EP (Self)
Tardus Mortem – Armageddon (Emanzipation)
Thangorodrim – Liberation In Unbound Chaos 666 (Blood Blast)
Thraxas! – Planetary Terrorism EP (Self)
The Three Tremors – Guardians Of The Void (Steel Cartel)
Thy Art Is Murder – Hate Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
Uranium – Wormboiler (Sentient Ruin)
Usquam – Reborn EP (Wormholedeath)
Various Artists – Brown Acid: The Thirteenth Trip (RidingEasy)
Varius – Concordance EP (Self)
Visions From Beyond – Drawing Down The Darkness EP (Dry Cough)
Wazzara – Cycles (Self)
When The Deadbolt Breaks – As Hope Valley Burns: Eulogy (Electric Talon)
Wildheart – Global Crisis (Collision Course)
Witnesses – The Collapse (Self)
Zaaar – Magická Džungl’a (I, Voidhanger)

12 de Noviembre, 2021

200 Stab Wounds – Slave To The Scapel (Maggot Stomp)
All Hail The Yeti – Within The Hollow Earth EP (Minus Head)
All That Remains – The Fall Of Ideals Vinyl Re-Release (Craft)
Ancient Mastery – The Chosen One (Northern Silence)
Ars Magna Umbrae – Throne Between Worlds (I, Voidhanger)
As Light Decays – System Of Division (Self)
Astrophobos – Corpus (Triumvirate)
Bailer – Disposable Youth (Blood Blast)
Bangkok – Madness (Wormholedeath)
Beatallica – The Devolver Album (Metal Assault)
Belore – Artefacts (Northern Silence)
Black Soul Horde – Horrors From The Void (Vinyl Store)
Black Violence – Extinction Control (Wormholedeath)
Bleeding Sorrow – Drowning (Northern Silence)
Bonded – Into Blackness (Century Media)
Borknagar – Borknagar Re-Release (Century Media)
Burntfield – Impermanence (Progressive Gears)
Can Barrd – Devoured By The Oak (Northern Silence)
Cauldron – Into The Cauldron Re-Release (Dissonance)
Cave Bastard – Wrath Of The Bastard (Antrum)
Cepheide – Les Echappees (LADLO)
Creature – Eloge De L’Ombre (I, Voidhanger)
Curse Of Denial – The Reckoning EP (Redefining Darkness)
Darkwoods My Betrothed – Angel Of Carnage Unleashed (Napalm)
Dauþuz – Vom schwarzen Schmied (Amor Fati)
Dawn Of Solace – Flames Of Perdition (Noble Demon)
Delphian – Somnambulant Foregoer (Self)
Demonic Temple – Through The Stars Into The Abyss (Putrid Cult/Dark Horizon)
Devil Electric – Godless (Self)
Djiin – Meandering Soul (Klonosphere)
Dold Vorde Ens Navn – Mørkere (Lupus Lounge)
Electric Guitars – Freewheeler (Mighty)
Enuff Z’Nuff – Hardrock Nite (Frontiers)
Eyes Wide Open – Through Life And Death (Arising Empire)
Eyethewild – Colours Of The Dark (Self)
Groundbreaker – Soul To Soul (Frontiers)
HammerFall – Renegade 2.0 DVD/CD (Nuclear Blast)
Heathensun – Beach (Self)
Hyperdontia – Hideous Entity (Dark Descent)
Insania – V (Praeparatus Supervivet) (Frontiers)
Insinnerator – Hypothermia EP (Redefining Darkness)
In Somnia – Harlequin (Self)
Intaglio – II (Solitude)
Kanaan – Earthbound (Jansen)
Kill City – Last Man Standing (Music)
Killrazer – The Burial Begins (Battlegod)
L.A. Guns – Checkered Past (Frontiers)
Life Of A Hero – Letting Go (Battlegod)
Mentor – Wolves, Wraiths And Witches (Pagan)
Mesarthim – CLG J02182–05102 (Avantgarde)
The Monsters – You’re Class, I’m Trash (Voodoo Rhythm)
Monument Of Misanthropy – Unterweger (Transcending Obscurity)
Mordred – The Noise Years (Dissonance)
Non Serviam – Il Pleut Partout Derrière (Trepnation)
NorthTale – Eternal Flame (Nuclear Blast)
Nova Spei – Sequentis (Bam&Co)
Obscura Qalma – Apotheosis (Rising Nemesis)
Outrun The Sunlight – A Vast Field Of Silence (Self)
Predictor – …Thus Spoke Death EP (Iron Bonehead)
Pridelands – Light Bends (SharpTone)
Prospectors – Proven Lands (Self)
PRP – No Rubbery Pristine Perception (Inverse)
Rhine – Ausland (Within The Mind)
Scattered Hamlet – Stereo Overthrow (Buck Moon)
Screaming Shadows – Legacy Of Stone (From The Vaults)
Shizzura – Ronin Re-Release (Wormholedeath)
Show-Ya – Showdown (Metalville)
Siem Reap – Now What? (Isolation)
Signum Draconis – The Divine Comedy: Inferno (Rockshots)
Sijjin – Sumerian Promises (Sepulchral Voice)
Stew – Taste (Uprising!)
Suffocation – Live In North America (Nuclear Blast)
Tharn – Collisions (Surviving Sounds/Trepnation)
Timechild – And Yet It Moves (Mighty)
Ultra Raptor – Tyrants (Fighter)
The Unity – The Devil You Know – Live (SPV/Steamhammer)
Unleashed – No Sign Of Life (Napalm)
Urban Primate – Desolation (Self)
Vaticinal Rites – Vaticinal Rites EP (Redefining Darkness)
Vended – What Is It/Kill It EP (Self)
Vertebra Atlantis – Lustral Purge In Cerulean Bliss (I, Voidhanger)
Vomit The Soul – Cold (Unique Leader)

19 de Noviembre, 2021

Abscession – Rot Of Ages (Transcending Obscurity)
Adiant – Killing Dreams (Black Sunset)
Additional Time – Dead End (Self)
Aephanemer – A Dream Of Wilderness (Napalm)
Apostle Of Solitude – When The Darkness Goes (Cruz Del Sur)
Atom Driver – Is Anything Alright EP (Nefarious)
Banned In G.B.G. – What The Hell Is Going On? (Wormholedeath)
Barnabas Sky – Inspirations (Pride & Joy)
Black Coast – Outworld (Blood Blast)
Blackmore’s Night – Winter Carols Re-Release (earMusic)
Bloodmouth – Unmanned (Brilliant Emperor)
Breichiau Hir – Hir Oes I’r Cof (Libertino)
Carl Sentance – Electric Eye (Drakkar)
Cherokee – Blood & Gold (Dying Victims)
Christian Death – The Wind Kissed Pictures Re-Release (Season Of Mist)
Civerous – Decrepit Flesh Relic (Transylvanian)
Confusion Master – Haunted (Exile On Mainstream)
Consecrated – Reanimated (Cavernous)
Converge – Bloodmoon: I (Epitaph)
Crooked Shapes – Crooked Shapes (Self)
The Darkness – Motorheart (Cooking Vinyl)
Daxma – Unmarked Boxes (Blues Funeral)
Der Weg Einer Freiheit – Noktvrn (Season Of Mist)
Destructo – Demonic Possession (Dying Victims)
Devil’s Looking Glass – Treacherous Autumnal Wisdom (Moonlight Cypress Archetypes)
Dream Unending – Tide Turns Eternal (20 Buck Spin)
Earth Crisis/Snapcase/Strife – The Return Of The California Takeover (WAR)
E-Force – Mindbender (Mighty)
Eldritch – EOS (Scarlet)
Exodus – Persona Non Grata (Nuclear Blast)
Fere – Visceral (Raging Planet)
Galaxy – On The Shore Of Life (Dying Victims)
Godless – States Of Chaos (Self)
Gonemage – Sudden Deluge (Big Money Cybergrind)
Hans Condor – Breaking And Entering (Dial Back Sound)
Haunted No More – Volume II (Roxx)
Headwreck – Glamorise Demise EP (Self)
Heart Line – Back In The Game (Pride & Joy)
Hearts & Hand Grenades – Between The Lines (Eclipse)
Jack And The Dull Boy – Failure In Three Parts (Self)
Kaasin – Fired Up (Pride & Joy)
Khemmis – Deceiver (Nuclear Blast)
KISS – Destroyer Super Deluxe Edition (UMe)
Lizzy Borden – Deal With The Devil Vinyl Re-Release (Metal Blade)
Lizzy Borden – Master Of Disguise Vinyl Re-Release (Metal Blade)
The Lurking Fear – Death, Madness, Horror, Decay (Century Media)
Massive Charge – For Those We Hate (Music)
Me And That Man – New Man, New Songs, Same Shit, Vol. 2 (Napalm)
Mirrors – The Ego’s Weight (Resist)
Mudblood – Exist Or Fade? (Self)
Nervochaos – Dug Up (Diabolical Reincarnations) (Xenokorp)
Nightland – The Great Nothing (Scarlet)
Nightshade – Sounds Of Dark Matter (My Kingdom)
Nyt Liv – Den Døde Sol (Indisciplinarian)
Obscura – A Valediction (Nuclear Blast)
Pathology – The Everlasting Plague (Nuclear Blast)
Perveration – Perversion In Manifest Disease (Comatose)
Plebian Grandstand – Rien Ne Suffit (Debemur Morti)
Qilin – Petrichor (Wormholedeath)
Riverside – Riverside 20: Vol. 1 – The Shorts (InsideOut)
Riverside – Riverside 20: Vol. 2 – The Longs (InsideOut)
Ross Jennings – A Shadow Of My Future Self (Graphite)
Saar – Gods (Klonospere)
Sacred Oath – Return Of The Dragon (Wormholedeath)
Shake The Temple – Shake The Temple (Sliptrick)
Snake Mountain Revival – Everything In Sight (Rebel Waves)
Solar Cross – Echoes Of The Eternal Word (Transcending)
Sovereign Cross – Bow To The Light (Roxx)
Stillbirth – Strain Of Gods EP (Unique Leader)
Stranguliatorius – Doctor’s Orders: Do Not Touch! (HPGD)
Sun Below – Sun Below (Self)
Swallow The Sun – Moonflowers (Century Media)
Temperance – Diamanti (Napalm)
Terra – Hypercube (Rockshots)
Theatres Des Vampires – In Nomine Sanguinis (Scarlet)
Thy Worshiper – Bajki o Staruchu (Pagan)
Tony & The Kiki – Light It Up EP (Self)
Tower – Shock To The System (Cruz Del Sur)
Trend Kill Ghosts – Until The Sun Rise Again (Self)
TwentyDarkSeven – Catch A Fire (Metalapolis)
Tyrannic – Mortuus Decadence (Iron Bonehead)
Unctoris – Shout Demise (Iron Bonehead)
Under The Influence – Dark Side Of The Brain (Riot)
Vaulted – Left In Despair (Self)
Volumes – Happier? (Fearless)
Vrsty – Welcome Home (Spinefarm)
W.E.B. – Colosseum (Metal Blade)

26 de Noviembre, 2021

Alera – Beware The Snake EP (Self)
Alien Force – We Meet Again (From The Vaults)
Apsu – Apsu (Agonia)
Archgoat – Worship The Eternal Darkness (Debemur Morti)
Bastard Of Loran – Beckoning The Red Moon (Northern Silence)
Benothing – Temporal Bliss Surrealms EP (Everlasting Spew)
Black Crucifixion – Triginta (Seance)
Black Label Society – Doom Crew Inc. (eOne)
Blodtar – Blodtar (Nordvis)
Cien – Redemption (Godz Ov War)
Concrete Winds – Nerve Butcherer (Sepulchral Voice)
Corrosion Of Conformity – Sleeping Martyr: 2000-2005 (HNE)
Cynic – Ascension Codes (Season Of Mist)
Deep Purple – Turning To Crime (earMusic)
Dirtbag Republic – Tear Down Your Idols (Shock/Vanity)
Edge Of The Blade – Distant Shores (AOR Heaven)
Estertor – Tales From The Ancient Grave (War Anthem)
Eternal Evil – The Warriors Awakening Brings Unholy Slaughter (Redefining Darkness)
Eternity’s End – Embers Of War (Prosthetic)
Fleischer – Knochenhauer (Massacre)
Fortress – Don’t Spare The Wicked (High Roller)
Gourmand – To Bring To Nothing (Self)
Hasse Fröberg & Musical Companion – We Are The Truth (Glassville)
Helmet – Live And Rare (earMusic)
Hitten – Triumph & Tragedy (High Roller)
Hollow – Tower (Rockshots)
Hunters Moon – The Great Pandemonium (Hells Headbangers)
Hypocrisy – Worship (Nuclear Blast)
Imminence – Heaven In Hiding (Arising Empire)
Imperialist – Zenith (Transcending Obscurity)
Imperial Triumphant – An Evening With Imperial Triumphant (Century Media)
Incubus – Serpent Temptation Re-Release (Brutal)
In Flames – Clayman Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
In Flames – Colony Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
In Flames – Come Clarity Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
In Flames – The Jester Race Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
In Flames – Lunar Strain/Subterranean Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
In Flames – Reroute To Remain Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
In Flames – A Sense Of Purpose Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
In Flames – Soundtrack To Your Escape Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
In Flames – The Tokyo Showdown Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
In Flames – Used & Abused: In Live We Trust Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
In Flames – Whoracle Re-Release (Nuclear Blast)
Jonas Lindberg – Miles From Nowhere (Self)
Joseph Izayea – Harder Truths (Do Work)
Krvna – Sempinfernus (Seance)
Lee Aaron – Almost Christmas (Metalville)
Lock Up – The Dregs Of Hades (Listenable)
Lynx – Watcher Of Skies (No Remorse)
Morguiliath – Occult Sins, New Unholy Dimensions (Osmose)
Morgul Blade – Fell Sorcery Abounds (No Remorse)
Negura Bunget – Zau (Lupus Lounge)
The Ocean – Phanerozoic Live (Metal Blade)
Opera Diabolicus – Death On A Pale Horse (Season Of Mist)
Ordinul Negru – A Sojourner Wandering Through The Barren Openness EP (Loud Rage)
Paul Gilbert and The Players Club – ‘Twas (Mascot)
Resolve – Between Me And The Machines (Arising Empire)
Rexul – Erebus…Virtuosus…Alpha FDA)
Rhapsody Of Fire – Glory For Salvation (AFM)
Servant – Blessed By The Light Of A Thousand Stars (Black Sunset)
Signs Of The Dying Summer – Oto Jest Pustka (Godz Ov War)
Stagwounder – The Shrouded Muse Of The World’s Lament (Crawling Chaos)
Stoneman – The Dark Circus (Massacre)
Swamp Coffin – Noose Almighty (APF)
TDW – Fountains (Layered Reality)
Teeth – Finite (Translation Loss)
Tony Mitchell – Hot Endless Summer Nights (AOR Heaven)
Vardis – Guaranteed No Overdubs: 100 MPH @ 100 Club (SPV/Steamhammer)
Various Artists – Killer: 50 Years Later (Pale Wizard)
Various Artists – R#XMAS (Metalville)
Victory – Gods Of Tomorrow (AFM)
Waltari – 3rd Decade – The Anniversary Edition (Metalville)
Warcall – Dead End Pt. 2 EP (Plan B)
Zmarlym – Druga Faia (Goz Ov War)

03 de Diciembre, 2021

Airbag – A Day In The Studio: Unplugged In Oslo (Karisma)
Alkimista – Cinzas (Self)
Aquilus – Bellum I (Blood)
Atonement – Merciless Blasphemy EP (Helter Skelter/Regain)
Bog Wizard – Miasmic Purple Smoke (Self)
The Browning – End Of Exisence (Spinefarm)
Christ The Bait – Idolastrosities EP (Self)
Clouds – Despărțire (Personal)
Corroded Spiral – Ancient Nocturnal Summoning EP (Phantom Limb)
Crom – Into The Glory Land EP (From The Vaults)
Cutterred Flesh – Sharing Is Caring (Transcending Obscurity)
Death Angel – The Bastard Tracks (Nuclear Blast)
Demonstealer – The Holocene Termination EP (Self)
Devour Every Star – Antiquity (Blue Bedroom)
Doodswens – Lichtvrees (Svart)
Epica – Ωmega Alive DVD/CD (Nuclear Blast)
Genocide Pact – Genocide Pact (Relapse)
Green Carnation – The Acoustic Verses Re-Release (Season Of Mist)
Heiress – Distant Fires (Satanik Royalty)
Horns – Horns (Self)
Í Myrkri – Bag Skyggernes Slør (Self)
Junkbreed – Music For Cool Kinds (Raging Planet)
Kavrila – Mor (Narshardaa)
Killer Hill – Frozen Head EP (Self)
Malacoda – The Year Walk EP (Old Haunt)
Moonspell – Darkness And Hope Re-Release (Napalm)
Nekromant – Temple Of Haal (Despotz)
No God Only Teeth – Placenta
Ofermod – Mysterium Iniquitatis (Regain)
Of Mice & Men – Echo (SharpTone)
Rachel Mother Goose – Synra Bansho (Pride & Joy)
Raibard – Dark Realm Of The Daylight (Self)
Rebreather – The Line, Its Width, and The War Drone (Aqualamb)
Rift – To Quench The Thrist Of Wolves (Seance)
Savage Deity – Decade Of Savagery (Inhuman Assault)
Skid Row – The Atlantic Years: 1989-1996 Box Set (Atlantic)
Smoking Martha – Universe (Xeon)
So Hideous – None But A Pure Heart Can Sing (Silent Pendulum)
The Spacelords – Unknown Species (Tonzonen)
The Sun And The Mirror/Pseudodoxia – The Eerie And Radiant Doorless Rooms Of Pain Split (Brucia)
Svardenvyrd – Scarred Lands (Far Horizon)
The Swaggerlies – The Last Of The One And Onlys (Self)
Unanimated – Victory In Blood (Century Media)
Under The Church – Total Burial EP (Pulverised)
Various Artists – Back In Black [Redux] (Magnetidc Eye)
Various Artists – Best Of AC/DC [Redux] (Magnetic Eye)
VHS – I Heard They Suck… Blood (Wise Blood)
Volbeat – Servant Of The Mind (Republic)
Wolftooth – Blood & Iron (Napalm)

10 de Diciembre, 2021

Agarthic – The Inner Side (Frontiers)
Atlas – Ukko (Long Branch)
Cadaveric Fumes – Echoing Chambers Of Soul (Blood Harvest)
Christian Death – The Dark Age Renaissance Collection: Part I, The Renaissance (Season Of Mist)
Dead – You’ll Never Know Pleasure… Re-Release (Xenokorp)
Detest – We Will Get What We Deserve (Emanzipation)
Devil Cross – This Mortal Coil (Xtreem)
Diablation – Allegeance (Antiq)
Djinn-Ghül – Mechalith EP (Vicious Instinct)
The Drippers – Scandinavian Thunder (The Sign)
Erdling – Helheim (Out Of Line)
Estriver – Outdcry (Wormholedeath)
Final Coil – Somnabulant II EP (Wormhoiledeath)
Funeral – Praesentialis in Aeternum (Season Of Mist)
Hawkwind – Dust Of Time: An Anthology Box SWet (Atomhenge)
Hellgarden – Rise Of The Beast (Brutal)
Hogtooth – You Can’t Handle The Tooth EP (Wormholedeath)
Inherits The Void – Monolith Of Light (Avantgarde)
Intricated – Apocalyptic Metamorphosis (Comatose)
Kosmodome – Kosmodome (Karisma)
Lhaad – Below (Babylon Doom Cult)
Lord Of The Lost – The Sacrament Of Judas DVD/CD (Napalm)
Madmess – Rebirth (Hassle)
Maladie – The Sick Is Dead – Long Live The Sick (Apostasy)
Malady – Ainavihantaa (Svart)
Mercury X – Imprisoned (Frontiers)
Noxis/Cavern Womb – Communion Of Corrupted Minds Split (Rotted Life)
Orphaned Land – 30 Years Of Oriental Metal Box Set (Century Media)
Otargos – Fleshborer Soulflayer (Xenokorp)
Perseide – The Only Thing (Wormholedeath)
Phrenelith – Chimaera (Nuclear Winter)
Psilocybe Larvae – Where Silence Dwells (Fono/Red Rivet)
Putrid Offal – Premature Necropsy Re-Release (Xenokorp)
Pyrexia – Gravitas Maximus (Unique Leader)
Restless Spirit – Blood Of The Old Gods (Lifesblood)
Reveal! – Doppelherz (Sepulchral Voice)
Rising Insane – Afterglow (Long Branch)
Rökkr – Rökkr (Chaos)
Rope Sect – Proskynesis EP (Iron Bonehead)
Sgaile – Ideals & Morality (Avantgarde)
Sodom – M-16 20th Anniversary Edition (BMG)
Stabbing – Ravenous Psychotic Onslaught (Comatose)
Thalarion – Dying On The Scorched Plains (Uprising)
Thirty Fates – Circus Black (Rockshots)
Vahrzaw – The Trembling Voices Of The Conquered Men (Unique Leader)
Wo Fat – The Gathering Dark Re-Release (Ripple)
Wolf – Mal Camino Re-Release (Wormholedeath)

17 de Diciembre, 2021

Agnes Vein – Deathcall (Venerate)
Avskrade – Det Stora Tunga Sjuka (Purity Through Fire)
Behemoth – In Absentia Dei (Metal Blade)
Beneath The Sod – Beneath The Sod EP (Cursed Monk)
Caestus – The Undoer’s Key (Purity Through Fire)
Charnel Altar – Abatement Of The Sun (Blood Harvest)
Diabolisches Werk – Beast (Uprising!)
Draconian – Arcane Rain Fell Re-Release (Napalm)
Draconian – Where Loves Mourn Re-Release (Napalm)
Just Before Dawn – In The Realm Of Ash And Sorrow EP (Raw Skull)
KHNVM – Portals To Oblivion (Neckbreaker)
Kriegzeit – Hateworship (Purity Through Fire)
Mad Butcher – Metal Meat Re-Release (Dying Victims)
Mavorim – Non Omnis Moriar (Non Serviam)
Mega Colossus – Riptime (Rafchild)
Memory Garden – 1349 (No Remorse)
Phenocryst – Explosions EP (Blood Harvest)
Powerwolf – Blood Of The Saints 10th Anniversary Edition (Metal Blade)
Serpent Lord – Apocrypha (From The Vaults)
Shady Glimpse – Supreme Gift Re-Release (Wormholedeath)
Shotgun Facelift – Dakota Blood Stampede (Eclipse)
Wolftopia – Ways Of The Pack (Inverse)

Alejandro Melgar

Absoluto entusiasta del Metal en casi todas sus variantes y sub-géneros. Melómano, coleccionista de discos y experto en armar documentos, listas y rankings. La estructura me garantiza paz y organización. Amo las series, películas y estoy muy arraigado en la cultura pop, además de disfrutar la naturaleza y el aire libre. Y a pesar de todo esto, soy muy sensible.